The show started with a band called Anciients from Vancouver, Canada. I couldn't wait to see them and they lived up to my every expectation. I only discovered Anciients a short time before I found they were going to be on the tour and now after seeing them live I am a true believer in their music. The set was filled heavy riffs that shook the room and made you feel the emotion of each and every note. They have a death metal feel with a progressive stoner/doom quality that brought each song to life. I couldn't of asked for a better way to start the night.
Old school death metal juggernauts Exhumed came on next. They took us on a pummeling journey through old and new songs which covered every aspect of metals true form: DEATH METAL. They have a new album called " Necrocracy" due out sometime this year which based on their set, I am definatly going to get.
Now for the main course, the reason everybody went to the show. We are all paying tribute to "The father of death metal" himself, the late Chuck Schuldiner. His dream is carried on in his honor through the band members he collaborated with. This years line up help make one of death metals most pivotal albums; Human. With the help of Max Phelps they played songs from the first four Death albums. The set started with a precision version of " Flattening of Emotions", which right from the first note you knew the night as a whole was going to be spectacular. About nine songs in, there was this inspirational tribute video to Chuck followed by none other than "Zombie Ritual" Any song with zombie in the title or about zombies has to be awesome in my opinion! Being a bass player myself, I am going to be a little biased and say Steve DiGiorgio was on fire!!! As a whole the show was simply amazing and I cannot wait to see how they top it next year.
Chuck Schuldiner May 13, 1967 - December 13, 2001